ProcessMaker CTO Featured in Podcast

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ProcessMaker’s CTO, Taylor Dondich, was featured in this week’s podcast. Managing editor, Peter Schooff, asked Taylor for his views on key trends in BPM and how ProcessMaker will position itself to capitalize on these key business imperatives. Taylor called out six items that are currently trending in BPM.

Trend 1 – Digital Transformation

While there is tremendous value in automating manual, forms-heavy processes, it’s clear that there are still a number of manual processes that computers (and therefore BPMN) don’t have visibility to. Perhaps we need to accept that a mixture of digital and human interaction is the reality and we need to figure out how to adapt to that challenge. This perspective means BPM solutions must-have solutions for both manual and digital.

Trend 2 – Where Most BPM Solutions Fail

Most of the traditional digital transformation vendors have enterprise applications with many creating offerings for the cloud. Interaction with human elements such as Slack, Chat Bots, and Alexa, are also not generally a part of the traditional delivery model. As business ecosystems evolve in this direction, nimble vendors that can orchestrate processes between disparate apps of the user’s choice will become the new market share winners.

Trend 3 – Looking Ahead

ProcessMaker has just released 3.3.0 and is hard at work on release 4.0. We already have solutions for the cloud and have begun to launch integrations to a number of external solutions that support new interactions with business users.
In release 4, ProcessMaker will embrace more of an orchestration model.  We have evaluated the best aspects of our own solution as well as fantastic new ideas from nimble, emerging vendors to create a new BPM experience.

Trend 4 – Working Smarter, Not Harder

The number of tools and apps introduced to us can be overwhelming. That makes it hard to get started. Your workflow solution should be reflective of the way you work. Business users should have the ability to apply their expert knowledge on processes and get started quickly. Solutions should have nimble tools with robust capabilities that can also satisfy complex workflow requirements.  

Trend 5 – 100 Apps in an Hour

New entrants into the workforce use all sorts of apps, Alexa, laptops, phones – they’re demanding tools to work optimally. Younger workers are willing to use whatever tool will help them do their work. As attention spans decrease, the demand for a large ecosystem of tools is rising. This trend is already playing out in the business world with workers switching between Facebook, email client, Slack, and numerous others. Having the capability to welcome all of these apps into the BPM ecosystem, and therefore workflows will become increasingly important.

Trend 6 – Future Trends

UX will simplify.  Fewer dials, tabs and looking for what you want to accomplish.  Leaner BPM solutions will allow more connection points and robust orchestration with an entire ecosystem of apps and solutions. Incorporation of voice commands into BPM will surge, a trend we are already seeing in retail and voice security features.

Click here to listen to the entire podcast.  And stay tuned over the next few weeks as these trends are explored in more detail.



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