Simplify Process Documentation with AI

Convert your written procedures into clear diagrams in minutes with help from AI. Maintain clear process documentation in one convenient tool. Then, optimize your processes and enhance efficiency with Business Process Automation and AI.

Simplify Process Documentation with AI

Process Map Generation

What if your process descriptions could come to life? With Process Documentation, they can. Our AI transforms your text into interactive visuals, revealing hidden insights and opportunities for improvement. It's like having a virtual process consultant at your fingertips. Curious? Try it for free and unlock the full potential of your processes.


Advanced AI algorithms convert the textual descriptions into interactive BPMN diagrams.

Process Map Generation

A comprehensive PDF document is generated combining the interactive BPMN diagram and the entered process details.


Gain insights into your process efficiency by comparing the potential for efficiency gains to other processes.

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    Process Documentation

    Our advanced AI engine seamlessly transforms your written process descriptions into clear, interactive BPMN diagrams. Simply type or paste your text and watch as your process comes to life in a visual format.

    Be as specific as possible.

    This can help tune your process.

    Contact Details

    Enter your contact details to get started and see your process transform in a matter of seconds into an interactive BPMN diagram.

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    Discover how leading organizations utilize ProcessMaker to streamline their operations through process automation.

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