Peruvian Ministry of Housing

Peruvian housing ministry
Peruvian Ministry of Housing Logo Name: Peruvian Ministry of Housing Sector: Government
"We are quite satisfied with ProcessMaker. We have tightened controls and cut back on processing time for each registry and publication application. Finally, we can make the data specifically related to currently registered companies available so we can draw up environmental impact studies in the housing sector." William Anaya Head of UPENMinistry of Housing, Construction, and Sanitation

The Problem

The Environment office in the Peruvian Ministry of Housing regulates and promotes measures that minimize the environmental impact of the Ministry's housing and construction activities. As part of its responsibilities the Environment office maintains a registry of companies that might be contracted for large construction projects that could have a potentially significant impact on the environment. Prior to using ProcessMaker, registration was a manual process that stored information in Excel spreadsheets.

  • Time consuming and unwieldy process to determine status of a registration application
  • Time-consuming and inefficient to evaluate registration applications
  • No audit trail to enforce filing requirements with applicants.
  • Lack of access to centralized information, making it difficult to evaluate environmental performance of applicants

The Solution

The implementation of ProcessMaker automated the registration process by centralizing data and administration activities, which resulted in greater data integrity and accessibility of information. Application status could now be viewed in the Ministry's portal. Statistical information, in particular the data gathered during the initial phase of the registration process, could be generated automatically from the system to evaluate applications.

Integration with email systems improved the distribution of status information. Based on time limits established to complete different tasks in the registration process, ProcessMaker would send email notices to the head of the Office indicating that an application may have lapsed. When the Office initiated applications, ProcessMaker would automatically send email notifications to applicants that included login information, so they could access the Housing Ministry's portal and see view the status of their application. Integration with other Ministry form/document and finance systems, allowed staff to to capture payment and other data.

The Value Created

  • Increased quality of service, since applicants and staff could more easily determine the status of an application
  • Greater ability to measure environmental impact of housing sector by replacing Excel spreadsheets with centralized administration of data
  • Decreased time required to evaluate applications, since information relevant to the evaluation of applicants could be gathered more easily

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