Zagiel S.A.

Zagiel S.A. implements several workflows in ProcessMaker to automate its back-office business processes as well as front-office processes.

Zagiel S.A. Logo Name: Zagiel S.A. Sector: Finance & Insurance Users: 300 Cases: 5000 (monthly)

Highlighted Processes

  • Credit Documentation Flow
  • Contract Termination Process
  • Access Control Management
  • Sales System User Management
  • Change Request Management
  • RFC Management (ITIL)

The Problem

ZAGIEL S.A. is a leader of consumer finance market in Poland. The company was established in 1995, not long after the opening up of the Polish economy and was one of the first players in the Polish consumer finance market. Nowadays, the company employs more than 800 regular employees and operates in the whole country.

ZAGIEL S.A., according to its market requirements, relies on a number of credit and loan sales processes implemented on a custom system platform and many back-office processes related especially to documentation management and financial operations.

Pain Points

  • No single tool for integrated business process development and execution. Workflows were implemented in an ad hoc manner over several in-house back-office systems thus they were hard to change and improve as well as hard to measure in terms of process management.
  • Process implementation times (cost) for traditional “enterprise frameworks” were way too long (thus inefficient from company's point of view) as opposed to what was offered by an integrated process management tool (ProcessMaker).
  • As an example, before the ProcessMaker implementation, access control management was a paper-based process and as a result almost nobody could measure the exact volume of requests nor was it possible to measure the time spent on decisions and changes to the application.

The Solution

The company has implemented several workflows on ProcessMaker to automate its back-office business processes as well as front-office processes:

  • Credit Documentation Flow – The workflow implementation is dedicated to improve management of financial documents related to the company’s customers. The flow covers documentation collection, verification as well as correction and its day-to-day service.
  • Contract Termination Process – The workflow is dedicated to assure quick and well-organized termination of customer contracts as well as management of POS debits related to the terminated agreements. The workflow orchestrates actions in several company branches.
  • Access Control Management – The workflow supports role based access control management in the whole company. The flow is dedicated to permission request verification and execution of corresponding changes in software applications.
  • Sales System User Management – The workflow supports access management related to our sales platform and is integrated with our Single-Sign On solution, in fact acts as an access management interface for our business users.
  • Change Request Management – The workflow helps to manage new business ideas related to change management in company's software applications. The process is an integrated part of the company's IT architecture management.
  • RFC Management (ITIL) – The workflow supports ITIL Request-For

The Value Created


  • Process manageability thanks to the fact that ProcessMaker workflows supporting main business processes became predictable, manageable and easy to adapt to new business requirements.
  • Process traceability has improved due to the fact that all records are stored in an IT system, and workflow participants accountability and efficiency analysis has been improved. All data related to workflow activity are easy accessible through automated reporting solution in on-line manner. Tracking the whole processing is now deadly simple for managers
  • Collaboration and workload management due to having clear view of task to do for each process participant, automated workload allocation and ProcessMaker collaboration capabilities like case priority management, e-mail messaging and case notes.


  • Waste in processing time due to the improvement of process control as well as increased consciousness and accountability of workflow participants.
  • Application mistakes thanks to ProcessMaker flexible and robust user interaction support.
  • Wait and processing time for the end client due to the improvement of efficiency.
  • Application mistakes thanks to ProcessMaker Dynaform field validations ensuring that the application information is complete and correct.
  • Development cost thanks to ProcessMaker easy and integrated development environment – the developers' effort required to build a business application has been significantly cut down.

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