BBVA Prevision AFP

BBVA Prevision AFP
BBVA Prevision AFP Logo Name: BBVA Prevision AFP Sector: Finance & Insurance Users: 300

The Problem

BBVA Previsión AFP is a subsidiary of BBVA, the 7th largest financial institution in the western world. As the leading Pension Fund provider in Bolivia, Previsión handles over 600,000 customers and US $2 Billion in their Saving Funds.  In order to provide support to their numerous clients and to handle this large sum of money, BBVA Previsión AFP implemented a variety of advanced technical systems and programs.  However, when employees would experience technical problems, they would often have to wait long periods of time to receive assistance. ProcessMaker implemented a system that not only digitalized the Technical Assistance Process (thus improving its efficiency), but also ensured timely assistance from the technical department.

  • Employees' technical issues were not addressed in a timely manner, preventing employees from being able to perform their duties.
  • All technical problems, even trivial ones that could be handled within the department, would be outsourced to the Technical Department.
  • Paper reports were created and physically moved for each technical issue.

The Solution

Technical Assistance Request Process:  When an employee discovers a technical problem, he/she initiates a case.  The local manager decides if the problem should be handled within the department or escalated to the technical division. If sent to the technical division, ProcessMaker assigns the case to a specific support technician and selects a deadline for the technical issue based on the nature of the issue. If the technical employee does not fix the problem within the allotted time frame, ProcessMaker first notifies the technician, then the manager and, if absolutely necessary, the division head.

The Value Created


  • Increased managerial effectiveness since ProcessMaker automatically notifies the appropriate supervisors if a technician is underperforming.
  • Increased efficiency since ProcessMaker allows the division head to direct case depending on the severity of the issue.


  • Decreased system down time since ProcessMaker enforces the deadline for technicians to provide assistance.
  • Decreased time from start to finish of process since ProcessMaker eliminates many intermediate bureaucratic steps like creating physical documentation and physically moving the documentation to the appropriate people.
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