ProcessMaker To Sponsor Laracon 2019


We are proud to announce that we will be returning to Laracon as both an attendee and sponsor in 2019 at Laracon New York. We had a blast last year in Amsterdam at Laracon EU and can’t wait to see everyone at Laracon in New York!
“We are privileged to be an official sponsor of Laracon 2019. At Laracon 2019, we will continue to share our success with Laravel and the underlying technology and infrastructure that powers our products as well as the open-source community that makes it all possible,” said ProcessMaker CEO Brian Reale.
ProcessMaker has embraced Laravel, the fastest-growing PHP framework, and contributes to the open-source Laravel community. ProcessMaker’s technology stack is composed of The Laravel PHP Based Framework and Vue.js. ProcessMaker is also an AWS Advanced Technology Partner and leverages several AWS services. ProcessMaker provides high redundancy and flexibility by hosting thousands of its customers on the cloud.
“Having worked with major customers from across the globe, I am happy to say that since we switched to Laravel our product offering can offer even higher scalability and features to more users,” says Reale. ProcessMaker will be represented at Laracon by its Chief Technical Officer, Taylor Dondich.

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