Winter Release: Exploring Groundbreaking Intelligent Process Automation Features

Join the ProcessMaker Platform Winter Release Webinar on February 8th and discover the latest features and functionality driving your Hyper-Productivity!

Winter Release: Exploring Groundbreaking Intelligent Process Automation Features

Join our webinar on ProcessMaker’s ’24 Winter Release to see how Guided Templates, AI Assistant, and new Process Browser & Launchpad streamline process automation for your organization. Learn about enhanced design interfaces, real-time collaboration, and improved security features in this exciting new release. Optimize your workflows effortlessly and accelerate your Hyper-Productivity with the latest platform release of ProcessMaker.

New Feature Overview:

  • Guided Templates: Launch processes quickly with easy setup guides.
  • Process Browser & Launchpad: Streamlined process initiation for a smoother user experience.
  • Inbox Clarity: Better task management with clear names and improved sorting/filtering.
  • AI Search: Enhanced search capabilities for efficiency.
  • AI Assistant: Streamline process, form, and script creation all at once.
  • UI Overhaul: Enhanced, user-friendly Modeler, Script, and Screen Builder interfaces.
  • Collaborative Modeler: Real-time teamwork on models, avoiding overwrites.
  • Case Analytics: Monitor activities and assess ProcessMaker’s impact on performance.

Secure your spot! Register now for an exclusive look at how our innovative features will revolutionize the way you think about process automation. Say goodbye to complex training and hello to efficiency!

Experience the ease of automation—powered by AI.

Watch Webinar Recording

This webinar is currently over. Please enjoy an archived recording with the following link.

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