Explore the New Data Reporting Tools in ProcessMaker 3.1

data reporting tools

We have heard time and time again that we need to offer better reporting and reporting tools inside ProcessMaker.
Well, we have done it in Version 3.1
Here is what you can now do with our new Data Reporting Tools in ProcessMaker 3.1:

  • Build and Edit custom reports with separate security models using report scopes
  • Perform joins on multiple data sets as well as on the core ProcessMaker application tables
  • Export reports to excel and PDF
  • Enjoy responsive user interface built with Kendo UI which allows operations inside reports like grouping, filtering, and more

Please note that this is just the beginning of a greater vision of what reporting and dashboards will become in ProcessMaker in the near future. In the next few versions of ProcessMaker, we will be building upon this very solid foundation to bring you a true enterprise-grade set of reporting and analytics tools which will include tools like Chart and Mixed Report Designers, more powerful dashboards, and a full data reports API.


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