Embedded Workflow:Build vs. Buy?

Navigating the complex decision of building in-house or buying a third-party solution for your business's embedded workflow just became simpler. Our in-depth white paper provides a clear roadmap to make the most suitable choice.

In this guide, you will discover the key benefits and considerations of building vs. buying an embeddable workflow solution Learn the essential factors of "build vs. buy" including time efficiency, cost implications, ease of integration, and how it can fast-track your time to market.


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    Why Build?

    Business process software providers who stay on the “build” track are committing to staffing significant resources in developing, supporting, and keeping up with advances in data visualization and business intelligence over the long term.

    Why Buy?

    Those on the “buy” track should understand that there will always be an amount of integration required for embedding a third- party product, but the shorter time-to-market for delivering a wealth of capabilities justifies this investment.

    Build vs. Buy

    Compared to coding on your own, utilizing a third-party party product increases your cost in software licensing but reduces your cost of development, both initially and ongoing.

    P2 Energy Case Study

    P2 Energy Case Study

    In order to support increasing customer demands, P2 Energy partnered with ProcessMaker to build P2 Workflow, an OEM solution powered by ProcessMaker.

    Ready Case Study
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