Is your college prepared to answer student demands during this COVID-19 pandemic?

Today colleges and universities have no choice - all workflows related to the student journey need to be digital and engaging. The college experience in the post-pandemic world will not be the same. Make sure your institution is ready with automated workflows.

Student Journey

Does your student success center needs to increase retention? Student services needs to better manage financial aid? Start with automation.

Connected Campus

Boost efficiency and coordination across the institution. Move beyond legacy, single application workflow solutions that limit campus coordination.

Finance & Back Office

Automation in the back office drives lower costs and improves overall competitiveness to ensure your institution is operating as efficiently as it can.

Common Workflows for Higher Education

Improve the experience across your campus with workflow automation.

Diploma Requests

Transcript Requests

Financial Aid

Requests for Independent Study

Change of Major

Course Approval

Wi-Fi Access Request

Add/Drop Class

Automate Workflows

Automate Workflows

Eliminate manual tasks, data silos, and bottlenecks while improving visibility and tracking for processes across your campus.

Improve student journey and retention

Improve student journey and retention

Whether your student success center needs to increase retention or student services needs to better manage financial aid, it all starts with workflow design and automation. Provide an intuitive student experience by streamlining the registration process using our platform.

Go Paperless

Go Paperless

Digitize your paper forms and requests for use in your daily business processes. Put efficiency, accountability, and transparency at the forefront of your organization.

Connect and modernize existing systems

Connect and modernize existing systems

ProcessMaker can integrate and modernize existing systems, like student information systems (SIS), ERPs, DMS, CRM, and more, across your university. By connecting disparate systems campus-wide with ProcessMaker, you can identify bottlenecks preventing your college from reaching maximum efficiency while increasing the transparency of your institution as a whole.

Tulsa Community College Case Study

Tulsa Community College Case Study

“It really was painful for us [before ProcessMaker] due to the sheer number of people who needed to approve things. The turnaround time for approvals now is incredible. It’s changed the way we’re able to work.” - Craig Cook Database Administrator

Read Case Study
Sirius College

Sirius College

"Using ProcessMaker, we have simplified the complexity at Sirius College."

— Hulusi Turgut, Director of Operations

Autonomous State University of Mexico

Autonomous State University of Mexico

"The implementation of ProcessMaker allowed to students, teachers and administrative members access to information of university agreements easily, quickly and effectively."

— Pedro Pallares, Head of Systems Development, Autonomous State University of Mexico

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